Provision of UXO Survey support at Romsey Road Bridge, Southampton
The client is redeveloping a key road site in central Hampshire including replacing a bridge at a motorway junction. Aware that a UXO risk may exist at the site, the client commissioned Fellows to produce a Detailed UXO Risk Assessment (DRA) for the site.
As a part of the UXO risk management strategy outlined in CIRIA C681, the client was advised that UXO surveys and further risk management options would be dependent on the DRA findings.
Fellows’ UXO Research team conducted a detailed investigation into the site through consulting both local and national sources, including bomb strike records and evidence of previous military usage as well as data from Air Raid Precautions (ARP) incident reports and Luftwaffe targeting maps.
The DRA outcome identified a certain level of risk at shallow levels across the site and the client therefore decided to commission Fellows’ to conduct a non-intrusive site survey. Deep piling work at the site is only being conducted at existing piled positions to replace bridge supports so Fellows advised that no further work was required for these areas due to the previous works carried out in the 1970s.
Fellows conducted a series of non-intrusive surveys using a variety of hand-held equipment, working around on-going site work and client requirements to ensure that a UXO survey team could mobilise to site over 3 separate visits. On completion of these visits, the data was analysed by Fellows’ in-house Geophysical team to ensure that any detected anomalies were investigated and identified to discount them as items of UXO. On completion of the work, Fellows were able to advise the client that UXO risk on the site was reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), thereby fulfilling their requirements under CDM 2015. All of Fellows’ work is carried out in accordance with CIRIA Report C681 (UXO – a guide for the construction industry)