Military Range Clearance

The legacy of unexploded ordnance exists on both military ranges still in use as well as ex-military ranges no longer in use. Fellows work with those responsible for military land management as well as private land management companies and government agencies providing UXO clearance services.
Fellows are able to offer survey, UXO location, UXO identification and disposal of unexploded ordnance.
Survey methods include intrusive and nonintrusive methods both at various depths to suit scope of works. Fellows also operate a fleet of MagDrones (drone surveying) for fast, efficient ground cover.
Fellows work closely with all stakeholders creating safe environments for farmers, access, public rights of way, National Trust, environmental taskings such as peat restoration projects to name but a few. Fellows have been utilised for tasks as small as clearing an area for a new style or fence line, to clearing many acres of ex MOD land.
Disposal methods utilise low order techniques designed to deflagrate (burn) explosive content rather than detonate any UXO. Low order techniques are simple to use, negate the need for explosive handling/storage, are cost effective and also more environmentally friendly.
If you have any similar requirement, please contact Fellows and we will be happy to advise or help.